Embrace the Grid
Ah, the tee-grid ceiling. Your favorite part of the room, right? Well, maybe not. Not yet, that is. With our acoustic tiles, the tee-grid can be one of the main sources of creativity, beauty, and peacefulness in your space.

Why Grids?
Think about it – grids have been driving great design since Fibonacci and long before, back to ancient civilizations. A grid is just an organizing principle, a set of parameters; an empty framework that you can take in any direction. The ordinariness of the tee-grid is what allows you to create something extraordinary.
Grids and Design
It’s time to use the grid for the incredible tool it is. A tool that allows you to jumpstart your ceiling-design process – your design will always build on the grid. A tool that speeds up and simplifies acoustic installations – simply drop the tiles in the grid. A tool that delivers a more affordable, less wasteful acoustic tile – because we can create greater manufacturing efficiencies when our product follows the same grid parameters.

Turns out, what seems to limit you can be the same thing that frees you.
Embrace the grid.

Get the Facts
Learn more about FACT ceiling tiles and how we embrace the grid.